Hudson Yards, The High Line & Vessel Tour

Hudson Yards, The High Line & Vessel Tour

new york, New York, US

Available Dates

20 Hudson Yards, New York

The Hudson Yards, High Line & Vessel Tour is a unique opportunity to experience the stunning Vessel, a one-of-a-kind honeycomb structure that offers incredible views of New York City. This tour includes a 1.5-hour walk through Midtown NYC, Hudson Yards, and other iconic sights with a licensed guide, followed by a reserved time slot to climb the Vessel with a maximum of 25 attendees. The tour is open to all ages, but the Vessel is not wheelchair accessible. Make sure to wear comfortable shoes for this unforgettable adventure through the heart of the city. Don't miss your chance to experience the Hudson Yards, High Line & Vessel Tour - get your tickets now!

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