Romantic Basket for 2 (Grab and Go)

Romantic Basket for 2 (Grab and Go)

new york, New York, US

Available Dates

New York

"Get instant access to your tickets on your smartphone and enjoy a stress-free picnic in NYC's iconic parks like a true local. No need to run around stores, just relax and have a romantic date in Central Park with a delicious picnic delivered to you. The package includes everything you need for a perfect outdoor dining experience - food, surfaces, cutlery, and a tote for cleanup. Highlights include experiencing the beauty of New York City's parks, a romantic setting with stunning views, and a gourmet picnic adventure. Your ticket includes admission, a picnic lunch, and all the essentials for a luxurious date. Special accommodations can be made for allergies or dietary needs. Additional information includes the convenience and relaxation of picnics set up in Central Park,

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