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Sarah Kinsley with Ha Vay

Sarah Kinsley with Ha Vay

chicago, Illinois, US

Available Dates

1807 S Allport St

Please Note: There is a delivery delay on all orders until approximately one week prior to the show.New Yorks Sarah Kinsley is fascinated by creating imaginary worlds and alternaterealities. She tries to conjure these with her music, but it requires the unlocking ofones imagination to really go there. Sarah encourages you to try it though. We allneed an escape.To that end, Sarahs first album is called Escaper, and to which world you chooseto escape is ultimately your own decision. This is vibrant, bold, beautiful music thatconfronts death and loss, the decimation of old friendships, romantic lovesshortcomings compared to the love shared with close friends, and fraughtrelationships that flourished and then fizzled. It sounds hugely confident, a real bodyof work. A huge way of how I get through life and pain and horrible experiences isthrough the creation of these spaces where you can become someone else as adistractionas a means to solving grief, Sarah says. She works through it all as ifthe centerpiece of an epic poem, with high drama melodies and huge sweepingchoruses.Born in California, and raised in Connecticut and Singapore before returning to NewYork for Columbia University, this perfectly unusual leftfield pop singer, songwriter,and multi-instrumentalist (Sarah plays the piano, synth, guitar, ondes Martenot, glassbowls, and some violin on the record too) studied music and was creating muchpositive noise and conversation online long before she had signed a record deal.Everything she was putting out was home-spun; self-produced, self-written andself-performed. Sarah made a habit of documenting her process, and it was onesuch video, uploaded in response to the misconception that Women dont producemusic that documented Sarah recording the sounds of tapping on a desk, opening adoor, switching on a light, thumping on a mattress and flicking a wine glass, splicingthem all together and forming the introduction to a prior EP track, Over + Under, thatcaptured the imagination of a young audience who have been feverishly followingher every move since.The long hours Sarah spent on YouTube tutorials teaching herself production sincehigh school quickly paid dividends, but the songs were hitting nerves across theglobe. Theres the phantasmagorical drama of Kate Bush, the understatedreverence of Cocteau Twins, and the nature-first beauty of Maggie Rogerss Now That The Light Is Fading EP too. There are moments reminiscent of Mitski, of Lordeand of Weyes Blood, but Sarah wont be defined by the musicians that came beforeher, but of the music shes soon to deliver.