Tems: Born In The Wild Tour

Tems: Born In The Wild Tour

boston, Massachusetts, US

Available Dates

925 Commonwealth Ave

Floor seating is not tiered and obstructions are possible. Guests attending Agganis Arena events are advised that professional cameras, video equipment, laptops, tablets, large bags, backpacks, luggage and like articles will be strictly prohibited from the facility. All guests may be subject to search of their person and/or possessions. Patrons with prohibited articles will be turned away and no storage or "check-in area" will be provided. No Bags over 12"x12"x6". Tems has partnered with PLUS1 so that $1 per ticket goes to supporting organizations working for equity, access, and dignity for all. www.plus1.org Tickets will not be delivered until 72 hrs(Sep 8th at 8:00pm) before showtime.